Discussion, videos & code updates at the Thereping Yahoo Group!
The “Thereping” is a digital musical instrument that plays sounds based on a combination of the position of your hand and some pushbutton switches. It uses a combination of a sonar sensor and a microcontroller to allow the user to play interesting melodies without requiring any musical skills. When joined together with a “Thereclock” sync unit, multiple Therepings can all play together and create interesting music, again without requiring any musical expertise on the part of the players. The Thereping borrows concepts from the Theremin as well as some features from the Bagpipes.
This site will act as a repository for information about the Thereping and the Thereclock project that was detailed in the Nuts and Volts article. The site is being developed right now, but feel from to contact me at vern@txis.com if you have any questions.